Dear Lord, I want to start a kingdom business using the gifts and talents you gave me.
I want to use my gifts in a way that serves your people.
I have an idea about how I can make the lives of your people easier.
I want to surrender this business over to you so that you can birth it through me the right way.
I want you to plant it, water it, and grow it so that it blooms at your perfect time.
I need you to be the soil and the fertilizer.
I know that with you at the foundation, this business will be planted firmly and always producing good and prosperous fruit.
I pray that you provide divine instructions to me about this business.
I pray that you open my eyes so I see your entire blueprint of this bsuiness.
I know that this business will be more impactful and profitable than I could ever imagine because I surrendered all control and ownership over to you.
What is difficult for man is easy for you Almighty.
Open my heart and my mind so I hear your intructions for this business.
Help me make the right moves as we get this business off the ground.
Thank you in advance.
In Jesus name, Amen.