Thank you for allowing me to turn my passion into a business.
Right now I turn all of my success over to you. I put the fate of this business into your hands.
I trust that you will guide me and equip me with the tools I need to make sure everything is running effeciently.
I ask that you fill me up with patience and wisdom when tribulations come along.
I know that I don't have to worry because you will be by my side along the way.
I can rest on my entrepreneurial journey because I know I have the best business partner ever in you Lord.
I know that you will help me when I am overwhelmed.
I know that you will direct my path when I am lost.
I know that you will shower me with love, comfort, and clarity when I feel like I am in over my head.
Help me serve my clients and customers in the ways that you need me to.
Let my customers and clients experience a part of you through me and my business.
I will bring glory to your name in my business snd every other area in my life as a Kingdom Entrepreneur.
People will feel your light and love every time they experience my business.
In Jesus name, Amen.